When Pete and I were about ready to pack it in and head home, Mike Godwin, told us of a nesting wood stork with baby chicks. I took off, with my big lense and a 2x teleconverter as fast as I could. When I arrived on the seen, there were several other photogs already in position, but I managed to horn my way in amongst them. These little guys were putting on a great show for us and I managed to click off several pics. This is the pic, I choose to include here, as both chicks where in perfect head position and matched up well with their mother. The moment came at 8:35 am, with a Canon 1D Mark IV, a 400 mm F2.8 lens with the teleconverter attached. The settings where 1/4000 sec at F6.3 , ISO 800.
Sorry it to so long to post something on our trip, but I have been very busy since returning, from Florida. This trip was a great success, as Pete and I were very pleased with the results. This location was an eleven hour drive, one way. Pete did most of the driving :)....I'm sure we will try it again, soon. Happy Shooting !
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