What is the most difficult of all seasons to photograph? Winter, of course! It seems that more photographs are discarded in the winter than any other season. Why? Because the average tone of a snow-covered landscape is far lighter than a medium gray. So, photographs of snow are often underexposed. The rule of snow photography is very simple. "Most of your photographs will probably turn out too dark, if you let your meter be your guide." There is also an old saying, "If it is bright, add light." Remember, you must switch to manual mode, so you can over expose the snow. Start with at least 1 & 1/2 stops over to fool the camera. If you photograph snow on an overcast flat day, all you will get is a dull, light-gray photograph... no matter what you do. Photography during the winter is a challenge, even for the most experienced photographer. So, don't get discouraged, keep learning from your mistakes and keep practicing. As always, Happy Shooting !
That actually makes a lot of sense! I'm learning a lot, Steve!