This is a small bayou town in south Alabama. Shrimping is the main business here and most all of the gulf shrimp is processed here. The locals were very friendly and helpful in obtaining most of these photos. One guy and his wife stayed on their boat during Hurricane Katrina and went shrimping the next day. They usually stay out for 30 days are until their storage bins are full. He told me that during a routine trip they will use 8,000 gals of fuel and go through 7,000 pounds of ice. Each boat is outfitted with all the comfort amenities, such as air conditioning, radar, Sirius Radio, DirecTV and most anything else you can imagine. The shrimp boat scene from Forrest Gump were filmed here and the "Black Pearl" from the movie "Pirates of the Carribean" was built here. Out of the way, but I'm glad we decided to make the trip here. Watch the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcHRNbwofEM As always Happy Shooting!