Monday, December 26, 2011
Red Oak II, Missouri

Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Christmas Photo Tips !
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Madrid, New Mexico

Monday, December 12, 2011
The El Rancho Hotel- Gallup, NM

Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Scenes from Route 66

Monday, November 28, 2011
Route 66 Day Seven

Happy Shooting! Crutch
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Route 66...Day Six
Pete noticed a huge storm rolling in from the northeast and the bright sun on this mountain range. We hurriedly pulled over and setup our tripods to capture this rare scene. As this unfolded, I quickly shot 2 photos and then merged them in PS5. This is the result. Moving on to Gallup, NM. Happy Shooting! Crutch
Friday, November 25, 2011
Route 66... Day Five

Thursday, November 24, 2011
Route 66... Day Four

Route 66...Day Three
Another "Giant" along Route 66. This time it's the largest totem pole. It's 60 ft tall. A nice park and a great stop along Route 66. Pete was a little under the weather today, but remained a trooper. The weather has changed for the better, with a high of 70 today. We used the a/c most of the day. Covered about 450 miles. Hopefully we will be in Amarillo, Texas tomorrow morning. Happy Thanksgiving! Hope everyone has as much fun as we are.
Happy Shooting! Crutch
Happy Shooting! Crutch
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Route 66 Day Two!

Monday, November 21, 2011
Route 66 Trip Day One
We have spent all day in the rain. We planned to shoot the skyline at Louisville, Kentucky, but it turned out too foggy. We pressed on to St. Louis, Mo. and discovered the arch is only lit on weekends. Too dark for any pics. But, we are having a great time and look forward to tomorrow :)
"Get your kicks on Route 66"

Friday, November 11, 2011
Night Photography & Light Painting
My good friend Pete Michael and myself are looking forward to our up coming trip down Route 66. We will be starting in St. Louis, Mo. and hope to reach Flagstaff, Arizona, before heading home. We are planning on doing several types of photography and video during this trip. We decided that light painting would be something that we will use out west, so we went over to Rankin Bottoms, near Newport, to do a little practicing. My results are to the right. I felt like that was satisfactory for my first attempt. but alot more practice is in order. To light this tree at night, I opened the shutter and painted this tree with light using a large flashlight. The shutter remained open in, bulb mode, for over 2 minutes. The full moon rising was a pleasant surprise. It was really fun and I displayed a lot of patience :) We are planning to do some long exposure photography and some panoramas during our trip too. I will report from the road at every opportunity. Happy Shooting! Crutch
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Lighthouse Landscapes

Commenst welcome Happy Shooting ! Crutch
Friday, October 21, 2011
Halloween Tips (Not so scary)
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Photo Tip of the Week - Fall Color !

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
The Blue Ridge Parkway (Video)
Saturday, September 24, 2011
The Blue Ridge

Sunday, August 21, 2011
New Books in print!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
A trip through Stearns, Kentucky

As always, comments are welcome. Thanks for watching !
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Little River at Greenbrier !
Another day trip for Pete Michael and myself. We were in the Smoky's and decided to stop by this area to see if anything was new. It had rained off and on all day, but we don't let a little rain stop us. We had no problem getting around and dodging the elements. The rain makes for some interesting fog and reflextions. See the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNVA-lyMML8 and be sure to click on 1080 HD for best viewing. As always, thanks for looking and comments and suggestions are welcome. Crutch
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
The Story Behind the Photo ! Roseate Spoonbill
I had been in Florida, looking for some roseate spoonbills most of the day, on November 27, 2008 over the Thanksgiving Holiday, when I came across this guy. I usually cannot get this close to the spoonbills. He was about 30 ft away, but I could not get him to look in my direction. I was just about to pack in it when he finally turned. The moment came at 5:51 PM. The end to a perfect day. :) Canon 1D Mark 3...EF 100-400 lens at 365mm...1/100 sec at F9...ISO 400. Happy Shooting! Crutch
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Roaring Fork Motor Trail

For best viewing, click on 1080i
Happy Shooting..! Crutch
Saturday, June 25, 2011
4th of July photo tip
Fireworks may be the main event, but the Fourth of July provides plenty of other photo opportunities. Start the day out at your local parade. We have a boat parade every year that we really look forward to. Photograph young kids mesmerized by the noise, the large floats, and the fire trucks. Or, maybe your kids are in the parade with decorated bikes; do not miss out on that photo opportunity. Later in the day, take candid shots at the family barbeque or party. Combine all the photos from the day with your best fireworks shots and you have some great options for a Fourth of July photo book or calendar. If your camera has a fireworks setting, be sure to take advantage of it. Take lots of photos and enjoy this great photo op. Happy Shooting ! Crutch
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
A Vacation Photo Tip
This is one of my favorite tips for taking photos at a well known tourist monument or location.
If you’re off to popular tourist destinations for your summer holidays you’ll get plenty of photographic opportunities. You’ll also come up against the problem of capturing both the monument and the person in front of it both in focus.
If you’re using a digital SLR, set the aperture to a value around f16 or f22. This ensures that everything in the image will be in focus. On the other hand if you want the person to be in focus and the monument attractively out of focus, set the aperture to around f2.8 or f3.6. Make sure to focus on the person and use the camera flash to light their face. With a large aperture like this you will get a small depth of field around the subject with everything else in the image thrown out of focus.
Whenever you want to capture a very large object like a monument and a person in front of the monument, you run the risk of capturing the monument at a good size and the person will be so small as to be almost unrecognizable in front of it. There are a couple of ways to avoid this happening. One is to bring the subject very close to the camera so that you get both at good size in the image. The other is to take more than one photo.
Capture the monument at full size and then place your subject closer to the monument in front of an area which has interesting detail in it. Take the second image this time focusing on the portrait aspect and using the monument details as a pleasing background. Have fun and remember to take lots of photos. Happy Shooting! Crutch
If you’re off to popular tourist destinations for your summer holidays you’ll get plenty of photographic opportunities. You’ll also come up against the problem of capturing both the monument and the person in front of it both in focus.
If you’re using a digital SLR, set the aperture to a value around f16 or f22. This ensures that everything in the image will be in focus. On the other hand if you want the person to be in focus and the monument attractively out of focus, set the aperture to around f2.8 or f3.6. Make sure to focus on the person and use the camera flash to light their face. With a large aperture like this you will get a small depth of field around the subject with everything else in the image thrown out of focus.
Whenever you want to capture a very large object like a monument and a person in front of the monument, you run the risk of capturing the monument at a good size and the person will be so small as to be almost unrecognizable in front of it. There are a couple of ways to avoid this happening. One is to bring the subject very close to the camera so that you get both at good size in the image. The other is to take more than one photo.
Capture the monument at full size and then place your subject closer to the monument in front of an area which has interesting detail in it. Take the second image this time focusing on the portrait aspect and using the monument details as a pleasing background. Have fun and remember to take lots of photos. Happy Shooting! Crutch
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Fall Creek Falls !
On May 14th, Pete and I made a day trip to Fall Creek Falls State Park. We had started out to shoot Ozone Falls, which is close by, but we found the falls very difficult to approach and the viewpoint was best at the bottom near the pool, but it was inaccessible and began to rain, so we started looking for another falls. We had met another couple of photogs and they suggested we make the short trip to this falls. The day was saved and we had a great time. The falls are over 200 ft. You can shoot above or make the trip to the pool 200 ft below. I can't believe I let Pete talk me into another short hike (Remember Clingman's Dome), but we both survived and it was great fun. Take a look at the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8AcHHd2tKo This is a must see if you are in the area. Plenty to do here and great outing. Camping and lots of stuff for kids. Happy Shooting! Crutch
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Reason # 1,274 why photography matters !
Since it is now after Memorial Day 2011, I have some thoughts on why we should take more photos and never be without a camera. Taking photos for over 40 years now, I think of all the great places I have photographed and all the great birds and animals I have been lucky enough to photograph with somewhat pleasing results. It has been and I hope will continue to be a great time in my life. But, as I look back at some of these photos, I realize, I missed the most important subjects, I could have ever taken with my camera, and didn't. Now, I have no photos and my memory is fading. I'm refering to the very people that shaped my life and influenced me more than they will ever know. Knowing I will never be able to take their photo makes me sad. Take a look at this recent article by Scott Bourne http://photofocus.com/2011/05/30/memorial-day-reason-number-1274-why-photography-matters/ This really hit home with me. I think I will round up my family and take some pics :)
Happy Shooting! Crutch
Happy Shooting! Crutch
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Florida Birds, 2011 !

Sunday, May 15, 2011
Fort Pickens !

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Florida's Gulf Coast !

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Apalachicola, Florida !

On our trip through Florida & Alabama, Pete and I found this little gem of a small town. What a treat to walk around this town and take it all in. We both loved this place and hope to return one day. If you are in the panhandle of Florida on highway 98, this is a must visit. We spent about three hours walking around here. Apalachicola Bay is the Oyster Capital of the World ! Check out the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ol81eP55Rag I sure you will agree. As always, comments are welcome. If you cannot comment here, try the comments section on Youtube.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Fort Morgan & Okefenokee Swamp !

This is a video of two places Pete and I visited on our trip to Florida, a couple of months ago. We visited several old spanish type forts along the gulf coast and this was one of our favorites. The swamp pics are the Okefenokee Swamp and wildlife refuge in South Georgia. Check the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3V_svSCOJs As always, comments are welcome.
Happy Shooting !
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Tips for great Easter photos !
Take Pictures Before & After... Be sure to start photographing Easter a few days before Easter and at least one day after Easter.
This is because Easter is a holiday, and holidays last more than one day. Don't overlook all that takes place in preparation for the Easter holiday. Think of it as the story-behind-the-story. You'll thank yourself later.
Some things to photograph:
•Family members coming home from the store with new outfits
•The process of coloring Easter eggs
•Cooking & baking in preparation for Easter dinner
•Family members putting on their Sunday Best
•Your pet's involvement in Easter
•Family members interacting (talking, playing games, watching TV)
•Lots of candid photos of family members just being themselves
Don't forget the candids of the big "Easter Egg Hunt". This is my favorite. A great time to catch kids and adults being themselves.
Happy Easter to everyone and Happy Shooting !
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Bayou La Batre, Alabama

This is a small bayou town in south Alabama. Shrimping is the main business here and most all of the gulf shrimp is processed here. The locals were very friendly and helpful in obtaining most of these photos. One guy and his wife stayed on their boat during Hurricane Katrina and went shrimping the next day. They usually stay out for 30 days are until their storage bins are full. He told me that during a routine trip they will use 8,000 gals of fuel and go through 7,000 pounds of ice. Each boat is outfitted with all the comfort amenities, such as air conditioning, radar, Sirius Radio, DirecTV and most anything else you can imagine. The shrimp boat scene from Forrest Gump were filmed here and the "Black Pearl" from the movie "Pirates of the Carribean" was built here. Out of the way, but I'm glad we decided to make the trip here. Watch the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcHRNbwofEM As always Happy Shooting!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Pensacola Bay

We detoured around the bay looking for this lighthouse, which was located on the Pensacola Navy Base. After asking for directions and looking everywhere, we found this wonderful lighthouse. It was worth the detour, as we really had a great time on the base.
Check out the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VVaeGBUXvs
Thanks for looking and Happy Shooting!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
St. Marks Lighthouse

This was the first lighthouse on our trip to Florida and Alabama. We were hoping for some clouds to make the sky more appealing, but we got what we got. Watch the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JI1N_3COAc8
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Fort Gaines, Alabama

We visited this fort on our recent trip to Florida & Alabama. We had been told by some locals that this fort was in ruins, but as you will see, we were quite surprised at the condition. We visited three forts on this trip and this was the best preserved. Lots more coming here, as we visited several places on this trip. Check out the YouTube video here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwzbslmPYeM.. Watch in HD 720P.... Comments welcome and as always, Happy Shooting!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Day Six - USS Alabama & Desoto Falls

Pete and I wound up our trip with a visit to the USS Alabama on display in Mobile. This was a fantastic experience for me. Lot's of history and very interesting. This ship served in World War II and Vietnam. Many battles and absolutely no damage inflicted by any enemy. It's was hard to image these big guns firing in anger.
We then started our journey home with a planned stop at Desota Falls, near Fort Payne. There was a lots of water and breathtaking vistas. This was truly a unexpected treat and a must see if you like shooting waterfalls.
This ends our trip and we hope to be home tonight. Thanks for following us. If you have any questions or comments about our trip or places we visited, just email me here at info@crutchphotography.com
We then started our journey home with a planned stop at Desota Falls, near Fort Payne. There was a lots of water and breathtaking vistas. This was truly a unexpected treat and a must see if you like shooting waterfalls.
This ends our trip and we hope to be home tonight. Thanks for following us. If you have any questions or comments about our trip or places we visited, just email me here at info@crutchphotography.com
Friday, February 25, 2011
Day Five - We found some shrimp boats !

Last night at dinner a local suggested we go to Bayou La Batre, Alabama in search of shrimp boats. They said the bayou was one that survived Katrina pretty much untouched. It is the oldest shrimping town in Alabama. Lot's of boats and very friendly fisherman. They were ok with Pete and I taking photos. One guy said he and his wife stayed aboard their boat for several days during the hurricane. The storm surge was over 12 feet, but they came through with very little damage and went fishing the next week. They stay out for 30 days and burn over 8,000 gallons of fuel during a normal trip. No wonder we pay so much for shrimp :) Taking a tour of the USS Alabama battleship tomorrow! Happy Shooting !
Thanks for following us, the trip is almost over :( Crutch
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Billy's Seafood

Well, we made it to Alabama. We shot three forts yesterday and some other stuff. This was a treat, Billy's Seafood, where all the locals and some tourists shop for fresh seafood. This guy is "Bubba" and he let us shoot some shrimp boats and other stuff at his fresh seafood store. This stuff was coming in the back door, off the boats and he was selling it out the front door as fast as he could. His motto is...If It Swims, We have It...We enjoyed our visit, but decided not to purchase any seafood. We are still looking for brown pelicans and more shrimp boats. Better luck tomorrow :)...Happy Shooting! Thanks for following us.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Sunset at Pensacola Beach, Florida

Well, we have made it to Pensacola Beach, just in time for sunset. We have shot two lighthouses and some street scenes in the town of Appalachicola, Florida. It's been busy, but a lot of fun and great weather today (78). We also shot some shrimp boats in dock and some beach scenes. It's time for some great seafood and good nights sleep. Headed out early for Fort Pickens and the morning sun, then onward to Mobile Bay, Alabama. Happy Shooting ! Crutch
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
St. George Island, Florida

We have shot pics most of the day. This is our second lighthouse of the day. St. George Island lighthouse. The brick building is the old keepers house, which is being remolded and will be the new museum. The weather is perfect today (74). We plan to do some sunsets tonight. Tomorrow we will continue to move west along the gulf coast. Hopefully, we will shoot two more lights and stop around Panama City. Thanks for following and Happy Shooting!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Okefenokee Swamp NWR

Saturday, February 19, 2011
Return to Florida

My good friend, Pete and I will be leaving Monday, to make an early trip to Florida. It's a little early for the nesting season at our favorite locations, so we will be checking out some new spots on this trip. We will stop by the Okefenokee NWR in south Georgia on the way down to see what we can find in this massive swamp. We intend to run the panhandle around to Mobile Bay, Alabama in search of sunrises and sunsets, shrimp boats, lighthouses, wading birds and anything else we can find. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know at this email. As usual, Pete and I will move very fast and will be very flexible. Pete is anxious to try out his new Nikon D90 and I have a new 70-200-F2.8 IS that I intend to wear out..hehehe. Happy Shooting! Crutch
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Macro for a Change

Many current and recent digital camera lenses, both SLR zooms and fixed lens cameras, have what they refer to as a “macro” capability. You can shoot very close-up so your (small) subject fills the frame. Many photographers are happy with this and shoot close-ups of flowers and bees and insects and all sorts of interesting things. If you want “true macro” which enables you to shoot 1:1 or larger, then you need a macro lens. This is typically a fixed focus lens with a focal length of 50mm, 80mm or up to perhaps 110mm. Usually the 50mm macro is cheaper than the longer ones and the quality just as good, with the additional benefit of wider depth of field and often a wider maximum aperture than the longer macro lenses. The advantages of the longer macro lenses, (say 100mm, for example) is that you can be further away from your subject and still fill the frame (kinder on the knees and the back).
With point-and-shoot type cameras with fixed lenses, you can often get a close-up lens that screws into the front of the lens on the camera and enables you to get closer to your subject and get a larger photo of small or tiny subjects.
With point-and-shoot type cameras with fixed lenses, you can often get a close-up lens that screws into the front of the lens on the camera and enables you to get closer to your subject and get a larger photo of small or tiny subjects.
Macro is another style that keeps this hobby of ours so interesting and challenging. Give it a try, you just might like it. Happy Shooting !
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Day Trip to Tazewell, Tn

http://www.flickr.com/photos/organize/?start_tab=sets If you get a chance to pass through Tazewell, contact me for directions to this "step back in time" As always, Happy Shooting ! Crutch
Daytrip to Maynardville, TN

Well, cabin fever has finally caught up with Pete and I. We had to do something, so we took off to Maynardville, Tn to photograph a 170 year old general store that is still standing in Maynardville, Tennessee, in Union County. It was built back in the 1840's by Alexander Lafayette Hamilton. It was contructed with popular and hickory, native to the area. It is now known as the Hamilton Crossroads Store. It has been nominated to be put on the National Register of Historic Places. We sure picked a cold day and almost froze trying to get a few pics. It took an hour for my fingers to finally get some feeling back. This was a great trip, as usual with Pete. Check out some more pics here:
As always, comments are welcome. I have been told that some are having trouble leaving comments on my blogsite. I have recently discovered that you must have a Google account (Free) to leave a comment:( But you can leave a comment on the above link. Happy shooting! Crutch
As always, comments are welcome. I have been told that some are having trouble leaving comments on my blogsite. I have recently discovered that you must have a Google account (Free) to leave a comment:( But you can leave a comment on the above link. Happy shooting! Crutch
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Photo Tip of the Week !

Since I am the proud Poppa of a new granddaughter, I though a tip or two about photographing a newborn might be in order.
First, the background matters. Sometimes a simple change of background (a colorful blanket under your newborn, long green grass, Mom’s beautiful skirt can turn a good photo into a great one.
Second, be candid. A great picture does not have to show your baby gazing at the camera. Sometimes a contemplative, peaceful moment says much more than a perfectly framed smile.
Third, keep yourself in the story. Often one family member takes most of the photos and never gets pictured. If that's you, hand off the camera whenever you can or just stretch out your arm to hold the camera at a distance, so that photos of you with the baby will be part of your archives. You’ll change, too, over the years, and that’s part of the story. This young lady here is Charlotte Clementine, my new pride and joy, that arrived just in time for Christmas. Always keep your camera handy during these precious years. They will be headed to school tomorrow :)
First, the background matters. Sometimes a simple change of background (a colorful blanket under your newborn, long green grass, Mom’s beautiful skirt can turn a good photo into a great one.
Second, be candid. A great picture does not have to show your baby gazing at the camera. Sometimes a contemplative, peaceful moment says much more than a perfectly framed smile.
Third, keep yourself in the story. Often one family member takes most of the photos and never gets pictured. If that's you, hand off the camera whenever you can or just stretch out your arm to hold the camera at a distance, so that photos of you with the baby will be part of your archives. You’ll change, too, over the years, and that’s part of the story. This young lady here is Charlotte Clementine, my new pride and joy, that arrived just in time for Christmas. Always keep your camera handy during these precious years. They will be headed to school tomorrow :)
Happy Shooting, Crutch
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