By adjusting camera speeds manually, the appearance of moving water can be made to look smooth and very soft. This technique will require your basic tripod, in order to reduce shake and blurriness. The results will be dramaticaly different from your cameras automatic settings. The slower the speed (Tv) settings are, the softer or smoother the water will appear. It is best to start somewhere around 1/8th of second and adjust from there, depending on the look you are trying to achieve. In almost all circumstances, the speed (Tv) should always be set slower that 1 second. Also remember that a small aperture (Av) will help keep everything else in your frame sharp. Experiment with different speeds, apertures and ISO's. This photo was shot at F22 (Av) at 2.5 seconds (Tv), with the ISO set at 100. Remember to shoot at several ISO settings and compare when you get to your computer. If you have a cable release, use it, if not use your self timer to trip the shutter and to avoid touching the camera . As always, take plenty of shots and do something off the wall :).....Happy Shooting !